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Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.
Limb salvage can be done to preserve function when diabetics have chronic ulceration. Chronic ulcerations of the feet can occur due to an abnormal gait, surgical incisions that do not heal or take a long time to heal, and from wounds on the feet that have not been treated. Sometimes joint immobility in a person with diabetes can lead to bony prominences on the sole of the foot, which will often cause ulcerations. A stiff foot can cause pressure to be applied in a diabetic foot which will also lead to ulcerations. If you have diabetes and problems with your…
Falls are serious. They are the second cause of unintentional injuries leading to death in the world. They can also cause permanent disability. As might be expected, seniors, especially women, incur the greatest number of falls. Aging people are less steady on their feet, and have other physical, cognitive, and sensory age-related changes that can make falling a more likely occurrence. Falls among those in this population can greatly interfere with mobility, quality of life, and independence. Additionally, many environments are not age friendly. Implementation of effective fall prevention strategies among seniors can save heartache in their limited years. These…
Lower back pain is not something to take lightly, as it can dramatically affect your overall health and well being. Interestingly, lower back pain has a notable connection to the feet, since the feet are essentially the foundation of the entire human body. Orthotics, or shoe inserts that are custom or over-the-counter, can be used to address lower back pain. Orthotics are a non-surgical, non-invasive option that might be used by patients to address their lower back pain without undergoing a surgical procedure. The orthotics can be used to put the feet in optimal alignment and motion, thereby supporting the…
A stress fracture in the foot is generally accompanied by consistent aching, and it can be difficult to walk. It happens as a result of overuse that can gradually weaken the foot bones. The second metatarsal is a common place to suffer a stress fracture in the foot. This is defined as the long bone that is attached to the second toe, and is found in the middle of the foot. The navicular is one of the bones that forms the arch in the foot and is also a frequent place for a stress fracture. A diagnosis consists of having…
Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.
Flip-flops are often worn at the beach or around pools, but they are also worn as regular summertime footwear. These sandals are often thin-soled and offer little arch and foot cushioning support. Wearing these types of shoes long-term can lead to painful plantar fasciitis, which is a condition that affects the plantar fascia. This is the band of tissue that runs from the heel to the toes on the bottom of the foot, and may endure small tears or become overstretched. Plantar fasciitis can cause severe foot pain, particularly with the first steps after arising from sleep, or from walking…
Despite being relatively small parts of the human body, the toes are critical to maintaining the health of the body and feet. The toes may be susceptible to many conditions, including hammertoe, ingrown toenails, and toenail fungus. Many patients may not be familiar with a condition known as Morton’s toe. This condition is present in a patient when their second toe is longer in length than their big toe. Therefore, Morton’s toe is defined by the relative lengths of the second and big toe. Interestingly, women are more predisposed to this condition than men. As a result of having Morton’s…
Ankle pain hurts and can negatively impact daily activities. There are various reasons one might have ankle pain, and having surgery performed may be an option for permanent relief. Ankle fusion surgery is described as a procedure that combines the bones of the ankle by using screws, plates, or possibly bone grafts. This is primarily done to reduce ankle arthritis, and is generally chosen as a last resort option. It may also be done to treat abnormal ankle structure, infections, or a failed ankle replacement. The benefits that may be gained by having this type of surgery performed can include…
There is a narrow passageway in the ankle that is called the tarsal tunnel. The tibial nerve runs through this tunnel and can become damaged if an injury has occurred or if there is consistent pressure on it. Some of the symptoms that are associated with this condition can include a numbing sensation, or it may feel like it is burning with sharp, shooting pains. Existing medical conditions may lead to getting tarsal tunnel syndrome. These can include arthritis, flat feet, or diabetes. The pain is often felt in the ankle, and a diagnosis is needed to properly confirm tarsal…
Your feet are covered most of the day. If you're diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often a sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.
Almost everyone has felt some type of foot pain in their life, especially if they are physically active. However, foot pain also may be caused by genetics, diet, obesity, and infections. The most common causes of foot pain include bunions, hammertoes, and corns. Gout, flat feet, and plantar warts are other painful foot conditions. In addition, athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, and ingrown toenails are common foot pain complaints. Many of these conditions can be resolved by taking better care of the feet on a daily basis, as well as wearing shoes that fit the feet properly. Gout, however, is an…
Pain in the joint of the big toe, termed hallux rigidus, is a form of osteoarthritis caused by the wearing away of cartilage between the base of the big toe and the first metatarsal bone of the foot. This condition often affects runners, as the big toe takes the brunt of the continual pounding with each step. Hallux rigidus often develops in runners between the ages of 30 and 60. Some possible causes include having flat feet or overpronation, which is when the foot rolls inward 15 percent or more with each step. Overtraining, a stubbed toe, gout, a toe…
A sprained ankle is a painful injury that unless fully healed is likely to be repeated. For that reason, it is wise to take measures that speed up the healing process and prevent a recurrence. An ankle sprain is caused when a ligament in the joint is overstretched as the foot rolls inward. If you are unable to put weight on the ankle, it is highly suggested that you seek immediate medical attention. Most experts suggest that the rest, ice, compression, and elevation method of first aid will begin the process of healing a sprained ankle. This will help to…
The feet can look and feel their best when everyday foot care is done. Stretching the feet is an excellent way to begin a foot care routine, and there are various foot exercises that can strengthen the feet. It is beneficial to change the socks and shoes soon after a workout, which may help prevent fungus from developing. The feet can be pampered by soaking them in warm water at the end of the day, followed by applying a good moisturizer. Many people choose to wear flip-flops in the warmer months, and it can help to choose a pair that…
Morton’s neuroma is a benign foot condition that causes pain between the third and fourth toes. Wearing tight shoes, such as high heels, may cause the nerve between these two toes to become compressed or irritated, which may cause pain and discomfort. Some patients explain the sensation of Morton’s neuroma as stepping on a marble or small rock stuck inside their shoe. Some also say it feels like pins and needles. Relief may come from wearing custom-made orthotics, in addition to performing stretches to help strengthen the foot. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the affected nerve…
You don't need an excuse to have beautiful nails. Step outside without worrying about the appearance of your feet.
As a person ages, problems involving the feet become more common. These issues among seniors can interfere with daily activity, increase the risk of falling, and adversely affect other body parts. Among the changes to the feet specifically linked to aging are dry skin, flat feet, hammertoe, toenail changes, and arthritis. Other potential problems include a shortened Achilles tendon, edema, and neuropathy. Dry skin, especially on the feet, can cause cracks in the skin that may result in fissures. Daily moisturizing is often a good preventative measure. Deep cracks in the skin can invite infection and in the worst cases…
Many people use some form of exercise to stay in shape, commonly involving either walking or running. But exercising the feet and ankles themselves is not always on the list of activities. Experts believe that many problems of the feet and ankles can be reduced or eliminated by following a simple foot care exercise program. Toe curls are one exercise that helps to strengthen the toes, feet, and ankles while sitting in a chair. First, start with feet flat on the floor and raise the heels and toes until only the balls of the feet are touching the floor. Hold…
There are bones that are found inside the muscle under the big toe called the sesamoid bones. Their function is to act as a shock absorber for the ball of the foot, and sesamoiditis may happen if they become inflamed. This can result from excess force while running and jumping and can cause pain and discomfort. Additional reasons why this condition can occur from stumbling or slipping or if the toe suddenly bends upward. Further, having an abnormal foot structure or frequently wearing high heels may cause sesamoiditis to develop. Common symptoms associated with this condition include pain while pushing…
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