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Leave Google Review for podiatrist Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM of Texas Foot Works
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As women gain weight during pregnancy, it is common for their legs and feet to begin swelling and aching. This is mainly a side-effect of the normal buildup of fluids in the body as the baby grows. Further, the center of gravity changes as the months go by, affecting the legs and feet and the way she walks and stands. Proper footwear is essential to help reduce discomfort or the chance of accidents or serious illness. Suggestions for changes in footwear during pregnancy include buying shoes at least a half size larger than normal, choosing shoes with high arch and…
There are several conditions that cause foot pain that worsens in the evening or interrupts sleep. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition causing musculoskeletal pain, burning, tenderness, and tightness which often occurs in the feet. These symptoms can be worse in the evening due to decreased levels of cortisol. Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the tibial nerve in your ankle becomes compressed, causing pain, numbness, tingling, or a pins and needles sensation in your feet that may flare up at night. Bony bunions that get irritated rubbing against shoes during the day are often sore at night and throb.…
Blisters are usually caused by friction of something rubbing against the skin. A red, painful, swollen sore can develop on the foot from constant rubbing of a shoe, sock or other rough surface against the skin. This often turns into a blister. Interestingly, a blister is the body’s way of forming a protective shield filled with liquid to protect more delicate underlying tissue. Blisters can also be caused by less obvious irritants, burns, frostbite, or underlying health conditions. In many cases, one can just leave the blister alone and it will heal with basic care. It is important not to…
Hardly anyone thinks about how to walk. After all, we’ve been doing it for years. However, it turns out that ankle flexion, which is one of the components of each step you take, can decrease with age. This loss means taking a shorter stride, landing with flat feet, and putting more space between the feet as you walk. The result is a side-to-side motion that could affect your balance and put you at risk of falling. And rather than transferring the weight from one foot to the other with each step, you end up performing more of a shuffle. This…
Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet and ankles!
A bunionette, also called a tailor’s bunion, is a bony outgrowth along the outside of the foot, at the base of the pinky toe. Bunionettes are thought to form due to inherited mechanical structure defects in the foot. When the area at the base of the pinky toe is put under excessive pressure and friction, usually from wearing shoes that are too narrow and rub against the toe, a bony outgrowth develops in this area. This deformity grows outwards and pushes the pinky toe inwards, toward the other toes. Bunionettes cause symptoms such as redness, swelling, and pain at the…
When you stretch the rest of your body, your feet can seem like an afterthought. However, there are many benefits to stretching your feet. Did you know that keeping your feet strong and flexible can prevent pain and injuries? Exercises that increase foot flexibility can improve the range of motion in your feet, making it easier to walk, run, stand, and exercise. Strengthening exercises improve the health of your foot muscles, allowing them to provide stronger support and protection to the feet as a whole. Most foot stretches are simple, usually requiring very little time and special equipment. To learn…
Plantar fasciitis is a common foot injury that occurs when the plantar fascia ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot is inflamed. This causes stabbing heel pain. Plantar fasciitis may be confused for a bruised heel, an injury to the fat pad surrounding the heel bone, as well as nearby tissues. Both conditions share several symptoms, such as heel pain with a gradual onset, pain directly under the heel, and pain that worsens with pressure. However, unlike a bruised heel, plantar fasciitis causes pain that is worse first thing in the morning or after a long period of…
Among the many bones in the foot is the calcaneus, or heel bone, which forms the foundation for the back of the foot. Though the heel bone is hard to the touch, the inside is soft and spongy. When the outer portion is broken, like the shell of an egg, the bone tends to collapse and be fragmented. Injuries to the heel bone can be extremely severe, sometimes leading to arthritis and chronic pain. The most common cause of a heel bone fracture is a traumatic event, such as a fall from a ladder or a traffic accident. It also…
Once you reach the age of 65, you are much more likely to fall and suffer a serious injury. With most people in this age group taking a tumble in their own home, it makes sense to keep your own dwelling as safe as possible to avoid “falling” into this category yourself. First, make sure there is an adequate amount of lighting throughout your home. You’ll also want to remove tripping hazards such as clutter, loose rugs, unsecured wires, and unstable furniture. Fix any uneven surfaces in and around your home. Install grab bars in the shower and next to…
Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!
There are three kinds of diabetic neuropathy, caused by prolonged high blood sugar levels that can damage nerves throughout your body. Peripheral neuropathy damages nerves on the extremity – arms and hands, as well as the legs and feet. This can lead to serious foot problems that get worse slowly over months, and possibly years. Autonomic neuropathy affects the central nervous system, while focal neuropathy targets one particular nerve, usually in the wrist, thigh or foot. One of the main symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is the absence of feeling in the toes and feet. This can be a cause for…
As one ages, it becomes harder to reach down to the toes and keep toenails trimmed properly. In some cases, just gripping the clippers is difficult, if not impossible. At the same time, toenail growth decreases with age, resulting in thicker nails that are more difficult to trim. One way to soften the thicker nails and make them easier to cut is by soaking the feet for about 10 minutes in warm water. Thoroughly dry the feet, and use a clipper to make small cuts straight across the nail to lessen the chance of an ingrown toenail. If your toenails…
Many people wear generic shoe inserts and insoles to alleviate minor discomfort in the feet while walking or exercising. But if you have frequent or chronic heel and foot pain, you may be a candidate for custom orthotics. These inserts fit the exact contours of your feet and target the cause of your pain. Orthotics can help to alleviate lower back pain, which often begins in your feet and travels upward. Orthotics also can correct alignment and improve your overall posture. Custom orthotics are designed to address not only your foot problems, but also to take into consideration your weight,…
If you are suffering from tenderness, pain, or stiffness in the joints of your feet or ankles, call us to schedule an appointment.
If you are wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly, you may not even notice. Wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly can lead to a variety of problems. Common foot-related issues that poorly fitted shoes can cause include plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the tendon that runs along the bottom of the foot), bunions (deformity of the big toe joint), blisters, corns, calluses and inflammation of the ball of the foot. Ways to ensure that your shoes fit correctly include making sure there is about a centimeter and a half between your toe and the edge of the shoe, checking that the…
There are ligaments that form a “capsule” around the joint at the base of a toe. These ligaments can become inflamed, which is known as capsulitis. This condition typically occurs in the second toe, although it can sometimes affect the third and fourth toes. Capsulitis is believed to be a reaction to dysfunctional foot mechanics that put an excessive amount of pressure on the ball of the foot beneath the second toe. Severe bunion deformity, an unstable arch, tight calf muscles, and having a second toe that is longer than the big toe can all contribute to this condition. Capsulitis…
When someone engages in regular physical activity, such as running, jumping, or other repetitive movements, this can stress the bones in the feet and lower legs. Over time, these repetitive movements and stress can lead to the development of tiny hairline cracks in the bones. These stress fractures can also develop when the type, duration, intensity, or frequency of physical activity occurs. Unlike more severe breaks due to acute trauma, which can cause immediate and intense pain, the pain from stress fractures can be duller and develop more gradually. Ballet dancers and athletes engaging in high impact sports such as…
A wart on the sole of your foot, also known as a plantar wart, is a benign, fleshy growth that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Plantar warts are often painless and can go away on their own, however, this is not always the case. Warts can cause pain or discomfort if they are in areas that bear a lot of weight, grow inward due to pressure, or rub against your shoes and socks. Without treatment, plantar warts can also take years to disappear. One potential treatment option is cryotherapy. This is a fairly simple procedure in which the…
Gout is a painful, inflammatory form of arthritis. Those affected will typically feel an intense stiffness in the joints of their feet, particularly in the big toe. Schedule a visit to learn about how gout can be managed and treated.
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