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It is not surprising that with the extra stress running can put on the feet, runners may be more prone to foot injuries. Runners with flat feet, high arches, and those who overpronate are at higher risk for foot injuries than others. Afflictions that are common among runners include plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, and Morton’s neuroma. Plantar fasciitis is when the plantar fascia, a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, from heel to toes, becomes inflamed or tears. It can cause a stabbing pain in the heel which may worsen when climbing stairs, after…
Do you suffer from heel pain when you get up in the morning? If so, you should seek the professional help of your podiatrist and have a proper diagnosis performed. Heel pain can be caused by several different foot-related conditions.
When the back of the heel hurts, it may be caused by a condition known as Achilles tendonitis. This ailment occurs when the strong Achilles tendon becomes inflamed, largely the result of overuse or a sudden increase in activity. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and discomfort above the area of the heel that is used when stretching or standing on your toes. There are two types of Achilles tendonitis, insertional and noninsertional. The former is the result of tiny tears that occur when the lower portion of the tendon breaks down. The latter is when the tears occur in the middle…
Toe cramps can be painful as well as extremely annoying, especially when they wake you out of a sound sleep. Most cases of toe cramps are believed to be the result of overuse. Common culprits include walking too long, working out too much, and wearing shoes that force your feet to flex too much. Other causes of toe cramps include dehydration, along with consuming too much salt. Toe cramps also may be the result of deficiencies in such minerals as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, increased age, high anxiety, and other underlying medical conditions have been known to cause…
As part of everyday foot care, moisturizing the feet is important. Start with washing and drying your feet well each day. To prevent dryness, itching, and cracking, incorporate a foot moisturizer into your routine. Wear and tear and the weather can take a toll on the feet and dryness and cracking on the heels can be unsightly. Since cells reproduce more slowly as one ages, the problem is worse in the elderly. Moisturizing the feet can be soothing and also good for the feet. You can buff away dry, dead skin with a pumice stone a few times a week…
Blisters are one of the most common problems that runners encounter. While most blisters are not serious, these little pockets of fluid that form on the feet and toes can be annoying and quite painful. Knowing how to prevent a blister, which is nature’s way of protecting your skin from friction, is valuable information for runners. One way to prevent blisters is by wearing socks that wick moisture away from the foot and do not have seams that can cause rubbing. Along with proper socks, choosing the correct footwear is a second important prevention method. Running shoes should not be…
Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet and ankles!
Having foot pain can wreak havoc in completing daily activities. Any type of foot pain is difficult to deal with, and many people often seek relief options. There are many reasons to have foot pain, including having endured an injury, changes to foot structure as a result of age, or from a recurring foot condition. Obesity may lead to having foot pain, which may come from the extra weight the feet must endure. A bunion or hammertoe may cause changes to the foot shape or structure, and is often uncomfortable. Research has shown that many foot conditions may possibly be…
Swelling of the feet is undoubtedly pesky and can make the feet feel puffy, uncomfortable, and inflated. Your feet may swell up for different reasons. For example, foot swelling can be attributed to pregnancy, poor circulation, dietary choices, and many other reasons. If an individual notices that their feet are swollen, they might consider slightly elevating the feet. A person might lie down on their back and elevate their feet and lower legs to a height that is above their heart. This is sometimes particularly easy to perform with a hospital bed because it enables the foot of the bed…
The feet carry and support the weight of one’s entire body. Each foot has 28 bones as well as numerous joints, ligaments, and tendons, which all work together to provide support, mobility, and balance. The feet are very complex structures, and each foot has three arches. The medial longitudinal arch is supported by the plantar fascia, and the muscles of the foot guide this arch while walking or standing on tiptoes. The arch that is located on the outside of the foot is called the lateral longitudinal arch and is dependent on the cuboid bone. This bone is often out…
Ankle pain is a common occurrence, which shouldn’t be surprising because the ankle is involved in every step you take. Ankle injuries are usually caused by tripping on a step or curb or twisting the ankle during a sports activity. This can result in a ligament sprain. With an ankle sprain, the foot rolls inward and the ankle outward, thereby stretching a ligament beyond its normal range. Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, and warm when touched. Some stiffness may follow. Ankle sprains often interfere with bearing weight on the affected foot. If you are in extreme pain from an ankle…
One of the most painful foot conditions is known as an Achilles tendon injury. It happens when the tendon that is located in the back of the ankle partially or completely tears. This may be more common in middle-aged people. This type of injury can be caused in people who have poor flexibility, or who engage in occasional sporting activities without properly warming up. The symptoms that often accompany an Achilles tendon injury can include hearing a pop at the time of the injury, and the affected foot may be red, swollen, and bruised. Patients have found mild relief when…
Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!
People who get frequent gout attacks often look for ways that can help to prevent them. The pain can be debilitating from gout, and completing daily activities may be difficult to do. It is a condition that affects the joints in the big toe, and common symptoms can include redness and swelling, in addition to severe pain and discomfort. Gout is a condition that is caused by excess uric acid in the blood, and may happen from the foods that are eaten. Foods that contain a high level of purines often need to be reduced, which may help to control…
There are reasons that pain in the big toe can occur. It may happen suddenly from an injury or it can gradually occur. Pain in this toe may be a symptom indicating an existing medical condition and a podiatrist can determine what that condition is. Gout is a condition that develops suddenly and affects the joints in the big toe. It can produce excruciating pain and discomfort and may be controlled by the types of foods that are eaten. Additionally, a bunion is another condition that gradually occurs. Bunions are characterized by a bony protrusion that forms on the side…
If you have tarsal tunnel syndrome, then you might feel a particular kind of pain in the sole, or bottom, of the foot. This pain might be most pronounced during weight-bearing activities. Anyone with this condition ought to see a podiatrist to receive immediate medical attention and treatment. However, to relieve this pain, there are a number of different exercises that one might perform. First, you might consider performing ankle rotations. While in a seated position, lift one leg and rotate the ankle slowly. It is important to perform this exercise on the affected foot. Additionally, to relieve pain from…
Plantar fasciitis is easily the most common cause of heel pain complaints and is characterized by stabbing pain under the heel. It is the result of inflammation of a band of tissue that runs along the sole of the foot. This tissue, known as the plantar fascia, connects the toes to the heel and supports the arch. Plantar fasciitis is generally thought to be a repetitive use injury that causes tiny tears in the tissue that then become inflamed, and ultimately painful. It is common in runners, athletes, and people who are obese. Teachers, restaurant servers, or anyone who spends…
If you are suffering from tenderness, pain, or stiffness in the joints of your feet or ankles, call us to schedule an appointment.
Most people misunderstand the seriousness of an ingrown toenail unless they experience one. Ingrown toenails frequently affect the big toe and result from the nail growing into the skin, instead of over it. Pain and discomfort are often the beginning signs that an ingrown toenail has developed. When left untreated, it may become infected, bleed, and there may be discharge or pus. An ingrown toenail can be caused by trimming the toenails incorrectly, wearing shoes that are too tight, and genetic reasons. Occasionally, the toe will feel better when soaked in warm water and a cotton swab can be used…
One of the things many pregnant women complain about is foot pain. Foot pain often worsens as the pregnancy progresses, but this is quite common and normal. Swollen ankles are prevalent during pregnancy due to the extra fluid the body carries to support the baby. The blood becomes thicker, and the growing fetus will cause the glands to produce more hormones. The feet endure extra pressure as the mother’s weight increases, so it is suggested to elevate the legs as frequently as possible. This may help provide mild relief from foot pain. The arch may flatten as the feet endure…
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