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Fungus causes athlete’s foot which is contagious and can be an uncomfortable and unsightly foot condition. Many people get athlete’s foot from warm and moist environments including public swimming pools, shower room floors, and locker rooms. The fungus can enter the feet through small cracks in the skin and can produce red and itchy areas on the feet. It may be more prevalent among people who sweat profusely or those who wear shoes and socks consistently causing the feet to lack air. A common location of athlete’s foot is between the toes and on the bottom of the feet. Additional…
Understanding foot and ankle biomechanics can be helpful in maximizing the completion of everyday activities. Simply put, it is the way a person walks, moves, or runs. Gait is a style of walking and can involve different stages of movement. There are three components to the foot. The hindfoot is under the ankle joint. This is referred to as the back of the foot and is composed of two tarsal bones. The middle of the foot is known as the mid foot, as its name implies. This part of the foot contains five tarsal bones. Chopart’s joint is the name…
Seniors may be able to remain independent longer when fall prevention techniques are incorporated into their daily routine. These can include performing exercise programs that can help to strengthen the body as well as balancing stretches at home. Additionally, many elderly people make changes to their living environment, including removing frayed rugs and improving lighting in the household. Other effective methods to prevent falling consist of having a grab bar installed in the toilet and shower areas, and it can help to use a non-slip bath mat. It is suggested that physical and eye examinations be performed regularly, and this…
Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.
The benefits of having shockwave therapy performed can include rapid pain relief and restoring the ability to move the affected area. It is a technique that can be used to help foot conditions including heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. Shockwave therapy consists of using acoustic waves which have high energy that can help to repair tissue and accelerate tissue growth. Additionally, it can aid in providing improved blood supply and oxygen that may help the tendons and bones to heal faster. Many patients have found their chronic inflammation may be improved when shockwave therapy is applied. Mild relief may often…
A hammertoe is a condition that typically affects the middle toes of your foot. The first joint of the toe raises up, causing a bump. Other iterations of hammertoe are a mallet toe, which affects the second toe joint, and claw toe, which affects both toe joints. Research shows that hammertoes affect more women than men, likely due to the wearing of high-heeled shoes with pointy toes. These shoes push toes forward and force them together, rather than allowing them to spread out comfortably when you stand or walk. When a hammertoe occurs, the top of the toe hits the…
Flat feet is a foot disorder where a person’s feet have no or minimal arches. The feet appear flat, and when standing, the soles of the feet touch the floor. It takes time for a child’s feet to develop arches, but it is possible they will not develop. Flat feet can also occur at an older age. This is most often a painless condition but if there is pain, it is most often felt in the feet because ligaments and muscles can be strained and underdeveloped. Back, knee, and ankle issues can become a problem from flat feet as well…
Shin splints occur when muscles that connect with the shin bone (tibia) located under the knee become irritated and inflamed from overuse. The medical term for shin splints is medial tibial stress syndrome, also known as MTSS. This condition can occur in physically active individuals and athletes when they do not warm up adequately, increase the intensity of their workouts too rapidly, run on hard surfaces, or wear improper shoes. Pain can be felt across the shin, from the knee to the ankle, and can sometimes be mistaken for other conditions. If you believe you are developing shin splints, consult…
Wounds on the feet can be a common occurrence for much of the population, and they can be a serious concern among the elderly. This can be a result of diminished blood flow in the feet and immediate medical attention may help to avoid potential problems. Effective wound prevention can include moisturizing the feet and drinking plenty of fresh water daily. Additionally, it may help to take a multivitamin that is designed to protect the skin. The skin color may turn when a wound is present, and a clean environment is needed for successful wound healing. This is followed by…
Your feet are covered most of the day. If you're diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often a sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.
Usually, a broken toe is not a serious foot condition, despite the fact it can cause severe pain and discomfort. Common ways to break a toe include jamming it against a piece of furniture or dropping a heavy object on it. Many patients notice immediate pain, bruising and swelling, and the affected toe is often difficult to move. In severe fractures, the toe may protrude at an uncomfortable angle, and may require an aggressive form of treatment. The bone may need to be moved back into place, and this is referred to as reduction. Relief may be found when the…
When the heel bone suffers repeated strain or irritation, the body can react by sending extra amounts of calcium to the injury site to protect it. Among the causes are poorly fitting shoes, obesity, arthritis, gait abnormalities, excessive running, and plantar fasciitis. This calcium can build up over time and cause hard, pointy deposits, known as spurs, to develop on the heel bone. Heel spurs can cause pain that may be worse in the morning or more mild and steady throughout the day. Rest or activity can trigger the pain. Heel spurs may occur along with plantar fasciitis, which may…
Many people begin to develop balance problems as they age, putting them at a higher risk of falling. A few simple exercises can be done at home to improve health and mobility. (If you haven’t done any exercise in a while, it is always a good idea to check in with a health professional before embarking on any new program.) Just to be safe during these simple exercises, be sure to stand near a wall or chair, or keep a walking aid nearby before starting. It’s a good idea to start cautiously, building up the number of repetitions gradually to…
Swollen legs, ankles and feet are common for most women when they are expecting a baby. A buildup of fluid, an increase in weight, hot weather, gravity, and standing for long periods are contributing factors. Swelling (edema) during pregnancy usually gets worse in the last trimester and right after birth. One way to avoid some of the swelling is by eating healthy foods, including fish, lean meats, poultry and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition, try to reduce the amount of salt, fats and sugar, and especially processed foods, that you consume. Plus, it’s a good idea to…
You don't need an excuse to have beautiful nails. Step outside without worrying about the appearance of your feet.
Recent research has indicated the most common place on the body that is affected by wearing high heels are the feet. Excess pressure is placed on the front of the foot when high heels are worn. When this type of shoe is frequently worn, serious foot conditions may develop. Some of these can include bunions, hammertoes, and Morton’s neuroma. Many people who enjoy wearing high heels understand the benefits of properly stretching the Achilles tendon at the end of the day. This can be done by standing on a step, and gently stretching the heel downward. Additionally, rotating the ankle…
Many foot problems can be solved by taking a look at the shoes you wear, whether it be running shoes, flip-flops, dress shoes or bedroom slippers. For instance, plantar fasciitis, one of the most common causes of heel pain, can be the result of doing pounding exercises in shoes that lack proper cushioning and padding. Similarly, metatarsalgia and Morton’s neuroma, resulting in pain in the ball of the foot, can be directly linked to shoving your feet into tight high-heeled shoes with pointy toes and then walking in them or standing for long periods of time. Flip-flops can be bearers…
Ankle pain may be due to a sprain or strain, a blunt force injury, muscle weakness or chronic joint instability, nerve compression in the tarsal tunnel, arthritis, gout, tendonitis, a fracture, or another condition. If you are experiencing pain or inflammation in your ankle, you may try to rest the ankle, elevate it, ice it, and compress it. It is suggested that you call a podiatrist if your pain does not improve, you notice a visible deformity, your calf or ankle feels tender, hot or swollen, you cannot put weight on the affected foot, or if you are limping. Your…
People with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are no strangers to foot pain and inflammation. Custom orthotics can often ease the pain and make walking and performing daily tasks more manageable. Orthotics, and custom orthotics in particular, are designed to spread the weight of the body more evenly across the feet, reduce pressure on sensitive areas and joints affected by arthritis, and address specific structural and biomechanical anomalies. When properly designed and fitted, custom orthotics may help arthritis sufferers to take less pain medications, and are even believed by some to have the potential of slowing the progression of arthritis. If…
Do you suffer from heel pain when you get up in the morning? If so, you should seek the professional help of your podiatrist and have a proper diagnosis performed. Heel pain can be caused by several different foot-related conditions.
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